Mark 8:1-30

Being in the road building business makes me familiar with “signage” – those posted instructions to the traveling public. When reading the Bible, I was thinking it might be helpful to post some signage at appropriate junctures. Today’s passage caused me to think that the “Beware – Miracles Ahead” sign should be posted so that the reader could prepare themselves for the assault that is about to happen to their assumptions about reality. That way they would have a chance to think about the appropriate gear to shift into….. Do we shift down to that gear that assumes no risk because miracles don’t exist any longer? Do we stay in the gear we are probably already in (where we have grown comfortable with our risk level) that says “some” things are possible with God but not all things? Or, do we shift up into that risky gear of childlike faith that says; “all” things are possible with God”?

As you traveled through this passage and read about the feeding of the 4,000 and the opening of a blind man’s eyes with a spitball, which gear did you use? Or, do you typically take the detour when you see the “Beware – Miracles Ahead sign?

After facilitating a miracle of necessity in feeding the 4,000 who had followed Him out into the wilderness, Jesus moves on to Dalmanutha where He encounters a group of Pharisees. They had a different attitude than the multitude who had gone out of their way, at some risk, to remain in Jesus’ company. This group preferred to let Jesus take the initiative. Their attitude was, “Let him, come to us and if he has something to say, let him first validate His authority with a miracle.” In other words, “Don’t make us take any risks and discern Truth with our own hearts – give us proof that You actually have authority to feed our flock a diet of teachings that are of an entirely different spirit than what we offer.’ (The business of “religion” is a territorial affair. Jesus was definitely encroaching on theirs.)

We learn something important about Jesus in this passage. It is this; something inside Him just kind of shuts down when He encounters this attitude of faithlessness where proof is demanded of Him. Listen;

And sighing deeply in his spirit, he said, “Why does this generation seek a sign”? Truly I say to you, no sign shall be given to this generation”.

I will be honest, I shift back and forth when I encounter the supernatural in scripture. I really just want to pull over at a rest stop, put it in park and ask for directions. But, I usually press on lurching erratically from gear to gear. I definitely try the one that says, “I would sure like to experience a steady diet of miracles so that my my faith would be reinforced”. Then I read in this passage about the disciples who forgot the provisions of food. Astonishingly, to us, they were fretting about this after just witnessing Jesus feeding 4,000 people with 7 loaves and a few fish. Would we have done better in our faith. Probably not.

Because of my own conversion experience and encounter with God (see 6.27.12) I never really had an option to shift into a gear that said God was done with miracles or finished speaking to people. He pretty much shelled that part of my transmission in the first 6 months of relationship with Him. Even though my shifting is still a bit like a student driver’s, more and more, I am learning to choose a gear that defers to God as He was, and is and always shall be – the God to whom all things are still truly possible. But, even in saying this, I will add that I do not think the primary thing on God’s heart is miracles.

There were times such as this that Jesus seemed reluctant to promote Himself by way of His miracles or even His title , “the Christ”. (see verse 30) As one who signs checks and has a little authority to make things happen, I too sometimes have a “deep sigh” when I awaken to find out that what I thought might be a possible friend has really just been someone posturing in order to get paid or gain some advantage. This causes me to wonder if Jesus didn’t prefer to hang out with those who just enjoyed His company and simply loved Him for who He was independent of what He could do for them.

Father, awaken us from any false assumptions we have made about reality. Lead us into a new dispensation where our innocence and childlikeness are restored. Allow the “all things” to come into our view by faith. In the context of intimate friendship with You bring heavenly reality to bear upon us and bring glory and honor to Your wonderful name. Amen.

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