Between (Monday) – Matthew 14:22-33

Matthew 14:22-33

And when they (Peter and Jesus) got into the boat, the wind stopped. And those who were in the boat worshipped Him, saying, “You are certainly God’s Son”.

The men who had stayed in the boat, who had just watched this spectacle of two men walking on the surface of the waves were powerfully moved to the point of worshipping Jesus as God’s Son. Apparently the verdict had still out on this even after He had just fed 5,000 men and their families with 5 loaves and 2 fish that very afternoon.

I wonder how Peter felt during this impromptu time of worship. While dripping wet and cold, Jesus had just said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”. Let me ask you, “How do you imagine the Lord’s face and His tone of voice as He said this to Peter?

In my past I have imagined Jesus as frustrated and a bit stern as he delivered this reproof to Peter. Today, I do not hear God’s words with that tone of exasperation, born of dealing with Peter’s (or my) perpetual incompetence and unbelief. Today, I process His voice and His Word through my “Father-filter” and I hear a different tone. I will come back to the idea of a “Father-filter” later.

Isn’t it just as possible that Jesus (the Son of Man) had joy in His heart and a smile on His face, excited that one of His cherished ones had finally trusted Him enough, stepped out of the boat and attempted what no human (son of man) had ever attempted? As Jesus, the first born of a new race of men, said “Come”, isn’t it possible that He was thrilling at Peter’s obedient response? I really believe the “great cloud of witnesses” cheered as they saw a member of this new race working out the fulness of their salvation – living out of a heavenly reality, instead of from their more familiar, time-and-space-bound reality – truly trusting that what Jesus had said – “that with Him all things are possible”, is in fact a rock solid premise.

So, when I envision this scene, I see Jesus saying, “Oh Peter, you of little faith, why did you doubt?”, with a big “you-nearly-made-it” smile, because He was seeing something birthed on earth that He had waited eons to see. Perhaps Jesus, instead of mourning over Peter’s latest failure, was thankful that He was seeing “Thy will being done on earth as it was in heaven”. Even though he was wet and cold, I suspect Jesus’ words were warming and encouraging to Peter’s heart. I could even imagine the other disciples wishing that they too had followed Peter’s lead.

As you imagine God, Is he predominantly in a bad mood or a good mood? I believe how we answer this question dramatically effects everything in our lives with Christ from how (or even if) we hear His voice to how we motivate to follow Him. I will continue tomorrow on the theme of living “Between” the promise and the fulfillment from the vantage of a “Father-filtered” heart.

Father, help us to see You in the midst of our journey as we feel the contrary winds and the waves battering our storm tossed hearts and lives. Even though our view of You is often obscured in our darkness, as “children of light”, permit our eyes to see You and encounter You in these moments when we feel we may be drowning or even those moments after we have been pulled back into the boat. We thank You that Your arm is always outstretched to take hold of us. Help us to discern the “authentic” tone” of Your loving Voice. Amen.