This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made earth and heaven. Now no shrub of the field was yet in the earth, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted, for the Lord God had not sent rain upon the earth, and there was no man to cultivate the ground. But a mist used to rise from the earth and water the whole surface of the ground. Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. (Genesis 2:4-7)
Did God’s breathing in us predate the dinosaurs? Did this event occur only in Eden? Did he breathe on just one man? How then did the original skin tone of Adam morph into whites and yellows, browns and tans and get distributed all over the planet? This looks way more like design than evolutionary sunburn. This all remains a mystery to me even though there are many prepared to answer these questions with certainty on the internet. Certainty – how is that working out for us?”
When Adam sinned, the Breath was knocked out of him. He could not go on living in the Garden of Eden without God’s breath animating him – making him a true living being. After they disobeyed, Adam and his wife were escorted out of the Garden into the world where they proceeded to populate and subdue it. What we have inherited (in all its glory and misery) is the results of misguided, unredeemed human efforts to make life work out. Without the breath of God, man is left only with his considerable wits. And as impressive as they can be, what they have birthed is saturated in futility. Wood hay and stubble is the best man can do without God’s Spirit authoring and underwriting his undertakings. But all is not lost. Christ is risen.
There may be an angel with a flaming sword guarding Eden from our return but more importantly there is a resurrected Son of God inviting us into His life. If we will ask Him, He will gladly give us His Breath (the Holy Spirit) once again. Until His Spirit becomes our Life, the Breath remains knocked out of us – leaving us to live for short term gratifications out of mere human strength and earthly wisdom. However, those in whom the Spirit dwells have become new creations – agents of God, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Once the Spirit resides in us, we are members of God’s family and citizens of His Kingdom. We are once again, living beings in the truest sense.
However opaque it appears, God is making all things new. God is already reconciling all things to His Son. God’s kingdom has come and it is coming because the breath of God is animating a remnant of living beings who are progressively resembling His Son and who are doing the works that Jesus did.
I look forward to a day when we shall hear accounts of God’s new creation, when it shall be said; “The Lord God is re-creating the earth and heaven. He is making all things new again. As He has pledged, He is reconciling all things to His Son.”
Father, continue remaking us into the image of Your son so that we will be at home as new creations in Your new creation.