John 14:25-31

A few years ago I became acquainted with a marvel of creation called a carbon nanotube (CNT). This incredibly strong and incredibly small carbon molecule will radically alter the properties of other materials if and when they are introduced into them. But, as I have followed the story of CNT’s, I have watched the industries that will one day be dramatically effected by this technology demonstrate a peculiar indifference. “Yes”, they say, “We are aware that nano tubes exist and that they are truly amazing, but …until you demonstrate this to us on a very large scale, we are not going to divert our attention from what we are doing. We won’t invest our resources because we are content with the properties of the materials currently available to us. We are familiar with them and we are tooled-up to use them.”

It occurs to me that “peace” is quite a lot like a nano tube. Peace comes from the Hebrew word “shalom”. The meaning of this word is much bigger than our efficient english language conveys. It can best be translated as prosperity, tranquility, well-being, safety and security according to Jim Branch, the Blue Book’s author. He also says that our word “wholeness” is the closest word in our language to shalom.

Before Jesus ascended he said, Peace (or wholeness) I leave with you; My wholeness I give to do not be troubled or fearful“. Wholeness of the type that Jesus has left us is like a nanotube in that it too is incredibly powerful and overlooked. Christians know it exists because the bible has told us so. We know it will radically alter lives and society if and when it is introduced, but we have never seen it on a broad scale, so we are not going to slow down to examine or invest much in something that seems to exist mostly in theory. Anyway, we are used to functioning without prosperity, tranquility, well-being, safety and security. We are so used to our lack of wholeness, we are not going to divert our attention from the ways we have tooled-up to cope and manage our lives.

However, just as there are innovators and early adopters in the realm of science and industry who make discoveries that change the world, there are also pioneers of this sort within the body of Christ. They are those who have not only read the bible and made profession of its truth; they have also determined that those truths were meant to be experienced and are giving themselves to that enterprise. In the same way the stock of the innovating nanotube companies are currently overlooked, I believe the kingdom of God, with its righteousness, SHALOM and joy is also overlooked and dramatically undervalued.

We know that His kingdom is an eternal realm. We know that it is within us. We know that its government will increase. But still, in spite of these things, many believe the kingdom is out of reach for man in his depraved condition therefore when we pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done“, we see the kingdom as a then rather than a now possibility. Because we are so preoccupied with our fallen natures, I think we believe the kingdom will have to be built by men after they have received their glorified bodies.

I am no theologian or scholar. I am just an investor with some “talents” I have been entrusted with. I am betting my talents that Jesus is a valiant warrior, a jealous lover and a benevolant, determined and loving Monarch who will see His Bride, the Church be glorified in this earth. I believe as the Church reevaluates herself through the lens of a now-kingdom of God, she will rediscover her royal identity, her inheritance and her destiny as the light of this world.

Even now as we are confronted with the unlikelyhood and seeming impossibility of God’s kingdom overthrowing the kingdoms of this earth,  we can have the peace Jesus left us because;

The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father has sent in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”

Father, may those of us who have buried our talents dig them back up again and reinvest them by faith into Your now-kingdom. Help us to realize Christ in us, the hope of glory. Help us to discover the resurrected life of Christ in us today. Help us to see ourselves as the new creations in Christ that we are. Raise up a new generation of kingdom innovators and early adopters who can help us to scale-up the righteousness, peace and joy of your kingdom so that the majesty of Your name would be acknowledged. Amen.

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