Nehemiah 8:1-10

The contrast between our times and Ezra’s is startling. A remnant of the Jewish nation has just returned from 70 years of captivity. The public has gathered in a unified spirit of hunger and contrition. They are keenly aware their captivity was a result of ignoring Yahweh. Collectively, they asked that the Word of God be read to them. They stood to honor the Word. They wept as its truth pierced their hearts. The officials encouraged them not to mourn and weep rather…..

             to celebrate, compose your heart in joy, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.

In the U.S., the states are not united. There is definitely not a unified voice. Our nation is split and Washington DC, the governing mind, is the bi-polar consequence. The nations of the world wait in four year cycles to see which personality they will be dealing with. On the surface of things, it appears that public life is shaped by debates, elections and legislation. Beneath the never-ending and futile political rancor I believe our divide is a spiritual one that involves the Word of God.

At a foundational level, there is a collective spirit to a nation that either honors the authority of scripture or it does not. Instead of asking that the scriptures be honored and read, our nation has decided that the Bible and its Author intrude on our personal rights. This is against the religion of the Land of Liberty. The courts enforce this religion, claiming that it interferes with the division between church and state. Do you believe if the scriptures were read publicly the nation would rise to its feet in honor and bow its knee in humility?

Consequently, we are not a nation that has just returned from captivity. More accurately, we are a nation on its way into captivity. Proverbs 22:7 says: “the borrower becomes the lender’s slave”. We are a people and a nation drunk on credit. In our foggy state of denial, we have permitted our bi-polar Father, in Washington DC, to leverage the future of our nation for our current comfort. Does our nation have the stomach to elect officials who acknowledge our addiction? Its very unpopular to tell someone in denial that they are an addict and then ask them for their vote. I think most of us see where this is going.

On the surface, it would seem that all we have to do is just elect the right people and we will all be fine. Whether we like to admit it or not, our elected officials are a reflection of us. Most Americans, even though we think of ourselves as Christian, do not consider the scriptures as authoritative. The truth of God’s Word is not piercing the heart of our nation, I believe, because it has not really pierced the heart of the church. So, what can we do if politics and government will not (or cannot) save us?

Check out: What Leading With Vision Really Means by Erika Andersen.

From that article: (comments in parentheses are mine not Erika’s)
“People want leaders who look beyond today. They want to have the sense there is a master plan to carry them through whatever short-term trials and tribulations arise….They look to the leader to articulate, in a compelling way, a clear and positive future state (more than 4 years) toward which they can direct their efforts. When leaders focus only on the current crisis or this quarter’s numbers, (or on making promises to get elected) it seems to us that they’re more interested in maintaining the status quo or protecting themselves than in creating a successful future. They are not seen as leaders. (Welcome to America – the former Land of the Free)

It may seem that I am deviating from my normal practice of writing about the heart and its causative role in all outcomes. Today is really no different. I am just saying that our nation’s heart is the sum of our individual hearts and that it is our individual hearts which will ultimately determine our personal and corporate destiny. It is amazing what one heart can do!

While it is tempting to wring our hands in despair, concerned the pilot on this flight is drunk and is most certainly going to crash the plane, we will be better off to not storm the cockpit. Instead we should shift our dependency and focus to God (the One with whom we have to do). We seem to forget that as big and impressive as he is our father in Washington is not ultimately in charge. You might be asking, “So, as a Christian what can I do to make a difference? Those were almost precisely the words Jeremiah Lamphier (just an individual businessman) used to spark an awakening in 1857. Check out The Fulton Street Revival. Historical events such as this awaken our faith and prove that all things are possible with God.

While there is always cause for joy and celebration in Christ, to this nation, having once declared its independence from England and more recently from God, the Spirit would say compose your hearts in contrition so that you may once again find God’s favor. Then the Lord will once again be your strength and then you shall celebrate.

Where then shall we find our hope? On our knees. There we shall compose our hearts before the One with who we will all individually and corporately have to do.

Father, you have been known to save nations in behalf of a righteous remnant. May that be the case in the U.S.. May you awaken those to pray who are bold and confident enough to ask for the soul of this nation to be saved. Awaken the hearts of the current day Ezras and Nehemiahs. May your Word somehow pierce the veil of darkness that has blinded our nation to Your love and to Your goodness. Have mercy upon us Lord we pray in Jesus name. Amen.





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